Return to Innocence

It took me quite a while to think about, what should my first post after that long winter break be about? Just saying, hey I am back, seemed so.. weird. So I decided, to keep my style. I picked a song I deeply admire, and collected some pictures over the last days. I don’t really know what to say or talk write about. Three month without Second Life .. were tough but nice too. Coming back is strange because, nothing really has changed, and yet a lot of things seem different.


My first tours, were just around the home base, now in Gale Nook, not longer my beloved Hay Harbor.I still hope, I will be able to get it back one day. The only real home I ever had. It will be my .. return to innocence…

And if you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself, don’t hide
Just believe in destiny


Finally after one week, I was brave enough for a little tour with Jasp in his IF. It was a lot of fun, and that was what I missed most, the sailing, and my dearest friends.  On the picture below, I am chilling at my beach, not trying to look at my old place, because it’s right next sim. And.. the new Hay Harbor isn’t much easy on the eyes. But yah.. jealous much…


Oh, I can’t forget, the new Catwa-Head. Dang.. I am in love. It took me around eight hours, to repaint my skin, so the face fits perfectly, but now it does, so do the lips. I do love it, what is your opinion?


2 thoughts on “Return to Innocence

    • Hey, danke.. ja keine Ahnung SWTOR.. Spaß ja, aber auch viel Langeweile .. keine Ahnung… vielleicht mit dem nächsten Kapitel oder so. Und irgendwie bin ich neugierig wodurch du den Blog hast 😉 – auf dem Weg ins Bett nun, bis dann.


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